How to get SHARE EU ASEAN Scholarship?

Assalamualaikum wr wb!

Currently I am in Malaysia as a student exchange in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for 1 semester. So this time i would like to share to you guys about the scholarship i got. This scholarship is called SHARE EU ASEAN Scholarship. You can see from the name, that the fund comes from Europe Union.

This scholarship offers you to exchange in one university in ASEAN (for batch 1 and 2) but i heard for batch 3 you can choose university in Europe as well. Currently so far, it has been batch 2 (I am in the bacth 2), and for now there are only 4 batches for this scholarship.

WHY DO YOU THINK YOU NEED TO APPLY FOR THIS? Besides having new experiences, improving soft-skill, getting new friends, traveling, learning new languages, here are some important information about SHARE scholarship :

1. It offers credits transfer. So you will not waste time in other country because the score you get during exchange can be transferred to your home university. Just make sure you choose the courses/subjects that can be transferred.
    2. Full-funded scholarship. SHARE will cover  the visa fees, the tuition fee, the plane tickets, health insurance, study materials, dormitory, and you will receive money for each month as your living cost. Fyi, i received 150 euro before i depart to Malaysia and i receive 450 euro per month.

And the batch 3 is open NOW! I will explain about how to get this scholarship, because LOTS of people have been asking me, and that is why i am encouraged to write this post. I will write this according to my experiences, if there are any changes or updates you can kindly comment and let me know.

The requirements to apply for this scholarship are :
1.     At least you already completed 2 semesters in your  university
2.     You must be national of an ASEAN member state
3.  You must be studying in participated universities. For Indonesia: IPB, UNDIP, UI, Binus, UCC (according to updated website)

Basically, there are 2 main steps to apply this scholarship.
1.     Apply to universities that you want to
2.     Apply for share scholarship

1.  Apply to universities you want to
According to SHARE website (, these are the list of universities

1.     Uppsala University
3.     Payap University
3.     Hue University
The output you need to get from this 1st step is to receive LOA (Letter of Acceptance) from university that you want. You can try to get LOA as many as you can. I even applied for 6 universities. BUT, at the end, say that you get 5 LOA, you only be able to apply Scholarship for MAXIMUM 2 LOA.

How to get LOA?
you can go the website of share , click university that you want to apply. Example for universiti kebangsaan malaysia.

Step 1. click the university 

Step 2. Here we go, click again

Step 3. read the form carefully, fill it, and complete all the requirements 

Step 4. if you want to see what are the majors you can choose and the subjects you can take. go back on step 2 then click programmes and courses 

Step 5. if you find difficulties you can contact the person from international office of the university, by emailing them, you can go to the university website and find the contact. 

this is the link of full list of the universities that are participated for batch 2, there are information of majors also contact person of each university. 

So after you complete all the requirements, you can go to international office in your university and give all the documents to them and they will send all your documents to university you choose. And then you wait if you receive LOA or not... hope all of you will receive LOA!

After you receive your LOA, then you can proceed the 2nd step now which is
2.     Apply for share scholarship
These are the documents you need to submit. Where? On share website. 
1.     LOA (Letter of acceptance)
2.     Letter of endorsement from home university (ask your international office, for undip, you can go to widya puraya building 1st floor)
3.     Recent academic transcript (in English) = you can ask your faculty  to proceed this. For students in undip, you can go to dean building, side of academic and proceed it with submit a letter. Contact me if you need example.
4.     Copy of valid passport
5.     Recent photograph (passport size)
And then you can submit, after that you will receive an email stating that your application is succeed. All you can do after that is waiting for the announcement.

The deadline of the batch 3 is may 22. So, what are you waiting for? Go get your LOA, and submit for share scholarship! Hope this helps, if you have any questions, just contact me to

See you and goodluck!

Ah btw, below i have a video of my experience during 1st 2 weeks in malaysia. If you wonder how is it, just watch it ;)


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